8th French/Belgian OpenFOAM® users conference
15 & 16 April 2025
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Foam-Utilisateurs (the French OpenFOAM® users group), the Belgian OpenFOAM® users group are pleased to invite you to the french/belgian conference of OpenFOAM® users. For the eighth year in a row, this event aims to bring together OpenFOAM® users and those interested in potential software applications. People from academia and industry are invited to present advances in their relevant research and development fields, exchanging ideas and information in an interdisciplinarity environment. This conference will provide an ideal opportunity to develop new collaborations and to meet experts.
Call for contributions
Talks and posters
We would like to keep things simple. As in previous years, your contribution's title and short summary will suffice for the submission procedure. We try to accommodate everyone whenever possible, but the number of places is limited (circa 25 talks - 20 minutes incl. questions - and up to 40 posters).
Poster prizes (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will be awarded at the end of the conference!

Poster awards
Our sponsor
We would like to thank our sponsors. We value their contributions which help us to make our event a success.

Registration and fees
Important dates & Information :
January 31st 2025: end of early bird registration
April 15th & 16th 2025: conference dates (on-site registration possible)
NATO nationalities only are accepted due to access restrictions. If unsure:
Fees :
Early bird registration : 225 €
Past the early-bird date : EB+50€
Foam-U supporting registration : 350 €

Dr. Lilla Koloszar
Research expert on liquid metal and industrial flows @ VKI

Pr. Joris Degroote
Full professor at Ghent University

Pr. Fred Mendonca
Independent CFD Executive Consultant
Day 1 :
08:30--09:00 Registration desk opens
09:00--12:30 Welcome addresses
Plenary talk
Break & Posters
Conference sessions
12:30--14:00 Lunch & Posters
14:00--17:30 Plenary talk
Break & Posters
Conference sessions
17:30--18:45 Tour of VKI facilities
18:45--19:30 Travel to Bruxels (diner location)
19:30--23:00 Conference gala diner
Day 2 :
08:30--09:00 Welcome coffee
09:00--12:30 Plenary talk
Break & Posters
Conference sessions
12:30--14:00 Lunch & Posters
14:00--16:50 Conference sessions
Break & Posters
16:50--17:00 Closing address & Prizes / End of the conference
17:15--18:45 FOAM-U general assembly
Detailed programm
Day 1 - April 15

Day 2 - April 16

The conference will be held in the Von Karman Institue (Belgium) building at Waterloosesteenweg 72, 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.
Diner & Hotels
The gala diner will be held in "Brasserie Ommegang" in Brussels city center. We advise you to book an hotel in this area

Organizing Committee
Romain Poletti - Von Karman Institute
Executive board of FOAM-U association